Inicio > Archivos > Variations and dynamics of extractive economies – 5.2.2011

Variations and dynamics of extractive economies – 5.2.2011

Sábado, 5 de Febrero de 2011

the rural-urban nexus of non-timber forest use
in the Bolivian Amazon

This doctoral dissertation was drawn up within the framework of a joint research effort between the Center of International Forestry Research (CIFOR), the Institute of Forest Policy, Markets and Marketing Section, at the University of Freiburg, and various partner institutions in the northern Bolivian Amazon, among which the Programa Manejo de Bosques de la Amazonía Boliviana (PROMAB) was the host institution.

The study provides a spatially differentiated intertemporal economic analysis of extractive economies in the northern Bolivian Amazon at micro and meso-levels. It includes the unique approach of studying both rural and peri-urban livelihood systems dependent on the commercial extraction of non-timber forest products (NTFPs). The main objectives are 1) to identify temporal and spatial variations as regards income generated from the gathering, processing, and marketing of Brazil nuts, palm hearts, and other NTFPs; 2) to contribute to a better understanding of the rural-urban nexus underlying regional patterns of NTFP use and trade; and 3) to advance a differentiated view on extraction-based livelihood systems against the backdrop of divergent access to natural resources, volatile markets, and scarce governmental or non-governmental support.

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  1. Dietmar Stoian
    Jueves, 17 de Febrero de 2011 a las 23:40 | #1

    Gracias por hacer accesible el documento en inglés. A quién le interese una copia electrónica de la versión en español, denominada “La Economía Extractivista de la Amazonia Norte Boliviana”, puede escribrme a:

    Hay copias de ese libro también en la Biblioteca Municipal y en las bibliotecas de CIPCA, IPHAE, SNV u de la Universidad Técnica del Beni.

    Saludos cordiales a la “perla amazónica de Bolivia”!

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